Hi everyone, my name is Amilia George. In this novel, you are going to be reading about how I finally felt like I belonged somewhere. My mother who had adopted me, have an incredible and fascinating background to her, and as you read this story, you’ll find out why it causes a problem for us.
Hello my lower class slaves, my name is Haiti. In this novel, you are going to read about my plans to become the ultimate supreme ruler. Since I had never felt love the day I was born, I realize that the only thing that can fill the loneliness in my heart, is of course, power!
In the peek of her eyes, bright eyed Amilia could see the full rounded, plumped red moon lying on the dark black sky. The redness which dance across the sky slowly, one by one. The sky was an old rickety haunted house pouring out rain. It was only 7:35 a.m. in the morning and the sky was suppose to be a light blue sprinkling across the surface of the Earth, but it wasn’t. Although it might cause wonder and confusion to the ordinary people, Amilia knew exactly why it was like that, it was because the underground ruler, a horrible wrecked monster, Haiti, was here. All Amilia’s blue eyes that shine brighter than the Pacific Ocean could bare to see was black, harmful smoke all over the red yard, and she could see the ugly shadow of Haiti gripping on to her weak mother’s neck. Standing on the burning, red grass, Amilia can’t help but to cry. Her strength had weaken from all of the crying but somehow, tears just won’t stop rolling one by one, onto her red cheeks. “Please, please let her go!” Amilia pleaded weakly as another tear shed and started rolling down her pale looking cheeks, dropping one by one onto the burning grass. She felt desperate. “This is what you get for not listening!” Haiti bellowed wickedly, with a sick grin on her face letting Amilia know that she felt pleased. In a blink of an eye, and a flash of light, Haiti vanished with Amilia’s mother to the dreadful underground world. “Nooooooo!”
“Ooooooooo! Huh, oh, it was just a dream!” Amilia said with a relieve sigh, her fore head all sweaty as she got out of her bed; letting the sweet smell of blueberry pancakes, salty scrambled eggs and the fresh smell of whole-grain bread lead her into the bright shining kitchen. Mrs. George was in the kitchen sitting at the dining table with a cup of grained coffee and a pink apron on that Amilia had bought her for mother’s day. “Good morning Mrs. George!” Amilia said blissfully as she shoved a piece of bread into her mouth and found herself a comfortable seat. “Can’t you for once call me mother?” Mrs. George replied her voice feeling disappointed as she let out a little frown. “I’m sorry, I’m just not use to it.” Amilia said, her happy mood had changed to a shame feeling. She felt her face getting hotter and redder as the clock ticks, and abruptly dashed to get a cup of cold orange juice to calm her face down.
Actually, it was hard for her to call Mrs.George mother because really, she’s not her real mother. Mrs.George said that she had found Amilia on her front doorstep late one night of a cold winter night when it was pouring outside. There was no one there except for the gloomy night and the howling wind, and because the baby was crying because of starvation, Mrs.George brought her in. The baby was so hungry, that its stomach growled and it felt like another earthquake was going to occur again. Mrs.George had no companion after her husband had died in a horrible accident that occurred in the underground world so Mrs.George decided to adopt the baby and raised it on her own. It has been 13 years now and that same baby has grown into a lovely young girl and her name was Amilia. Amilia truly feel gratefulness toward what Mrs.George had done for her, but she still can’t get use to calling her mother. Amilia didn’t have a normal life and that was true. Mrs.George had been a slave for the underground ruler, Haiti, and had escaped from her. Mrs.George was the key to Haiti’s mission of taking over the Earth and because she wanted to keep peace between the two worlds, Mrs.George denied the mission’s plans. Mrs.George and her husband tried to run away from Haiti and although she have escaped, her husband did not.
“How’s Cristel?” Mrs.George asked curiously as she got up to put her dishes into the sink. “Did she stop her habit of speaking too much?” “No, still not yet, Yesterday, she and a teacher had long going discussion of how to wash your hands correctly!” Amilia answered, cracking up as the scene started to role through her mind. Breakfast went buy so fast, that soon, the clock digits had turn into the number 7:50 and Amilia was late! She rushed out of the dining room to get her tote and raced out of the house faster than a racing car in a match and even faster than lightning. “Bye!” Mrs.George manage to yell to Amilia as she waved her wet, soaked hand in the air due to she had already started to wash the dishes.