When you think about all the creatures on Halloween, you think about vampires, werewolves, zombies and ghosts, but what about bats? Bats are also a part of the many creatures on Halloween but they are still normal animals. Many people are afraid of bats for various reasons and beacuse of that, they never really have research about bats. Since Halloween was coming up, I decided to find more facts about bats and thanks to the website,
http://www.wvu.edu/~agexten/wildlife/bats.pdf I found really cool and interesting facts about them. Even though the pictures of the bats are a little scary looking, they are what they are and they're beautiful the way they are.

Did you know that t
here are nearly 1,000 species of bats in the world? However, bats are basically tropical animals and only about 40 kinds of bats live in North America. Also, bats have been around a long time, since the age of dinosaurs. Ancient bats resembled those living today. Except for the most extreme desert and polar regions, bats today live in almost every kind of habitat worldwide. I can't beleive that bats have been around for so long! Bats have some amazing abilities: Mexican free-tailed bats can fly 10,000 feet high.Townsend’s-big eared bats can pluck insects from foliage. Hibernating little brown bats can stop breathing for almost an hour during hibernation to reduce their energy needs. Fishing bats have an echolocation system so sophisticated they can detect a minnow’s fin as fine as a human hair. The Honduran white bat, a colorful snow-white bat with yellow nose and ears, cuts large leaves to make “tents” to protect its small colonies from drenching jungle rains. Bats have so many talents that I have never thought they could have!
As you can see, bats are very interesting little creatures. Bats are very different from any other animals, and every animal is unique in its own way counting bats. There is a book that is really amazing and I am pretty sure that all of you have heard it because it is a very famous book. The title of the book is Stellaluna. This book is about bats and what I love about this book is that it shows that bats are very friendly, loving animals. I hope you learn alot more about bats after reading this blog.
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