Friday, October 14, 2011


Photo: Baby striped skunks   If you take a survey for which animal you don't like the best, skunks would probably be the top 10 animals. Many people are afraid when they see a skunk but really it's not just them that are scared. Skunks are no harm creatures and because the way people react to seeing them causes them to release its odor. I'm not saying that I like skunks, but what I am saying is that skunks should be treated better.
   Skunks are very unique animals and so I wanted to learn more about them. Thanks to the website, I learn a lot of interesting facts about them. For example, did you know that a skunk's spray is an oily liquid produced by glands under its large tail? I didn't know that the spray came from its body! Also,skunk spray causes no real damage to its victims. Some people that had been sprayed by skunks, think it damamges them because of how uncomfortable it is, but really its nothing. Finally, as a defensive technique, the spray is very effective.
   What people never thought of is that skunks don't just spray other things for fun, they do it to protect themselve. I actually think that this is a gift beause this is a very smart technique and sometimes you have to do what you can do to survive. I hope that you change your opinion about skunks. I hope you enjoy this post and remember, it's not really the skunk's fault if they spray you. 

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