Being Spoole Industries next apprentice is Excel’s goal but is personally my ultimate goal. I just want to say that it has been an honor to have this opportunity to work with Spoole Industries. My journey from task one to this week’s task, our last task, was incredible. There were struggles I faced in this journey but I, and the rest of Excel, still managed to fight through the tough times and continue our successful journey into becoming Spoole Industries next apprentice.
Excel should be chosen as Spoole Industries next apprentice because we are always willing to new ideas and are prepared for every boardroom. We work well with each other and always complete our work. We never let struggles bring us down and we stay together no matter what. If you choose us as the next apprentice, not only will we do a great job with our work, we’ll make Spoole Industries one big family. With us, Spoole Industries will always have a loving, friendly atmosphere.
When I first began the apprentice, I wasn’t as educated as I am now, and I didn’t expect the apprentice to be so complex. Every week, we have different kind of tasks, and through each tasks, I learn different skills. For example, in task one; we had to write our resume and cover letter. That was my first time writing that type of writing and it prepared me for the future. In task two, we had to write business letters. To write an outstanding letter, we needed to have back up research. This task help me to get more comfortable doing research because I will do more in the future. For task three, we had to create our ads for Spoole Cola. That task helped me stand out of my comfort zone and get more creative with my ad ideas. Excel had won three boardrooms in all, and though we are better that when we started, I think we still aren’t perfect. Although I have improving week by week, I know I can do much better than where I am right now. I hope that Excel will work for Spoole Industries in the future. I hope we will learn new skills and still improve from the day we started the apprentice.
Thank you CEO Poole for giving us this chance to work with Spoole Industries. Although there was some stress along the way, we still managed to smile when we walk out the door. I hope you will choose Excel as Spoole Industries next apprentice.
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