Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Respond to an Article


The article, "Jennifer McKendrick, Pennsylvania Photographer, Refuses To Photograph Teen Bullies," is about McKendrick who refuses to take pictures of kids who bully others online. McKendrik had discover that these kids had been posting nasty comments on Facebook about other students appearance . She did not wanted to take photos of these bullies and spend her two hours to make them look better because it wasn't worth it. You can read this article on

I agree with McKendrick decision. If I was her, I wouldn't want to try to make someone look better if on the inside, they are truly ugly. Facebook is probably one of the most popular websites where kids leave nasty comments about other students. Even though adults are trying to encourage kids to not be foolish about what they write online, the comments never end. I hope that one day, people won't get their feelings hurt because of online comments.

Click Here is the link to the article, 

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