How To Make A Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwich

Don't you hate it when it takes you more than half an hour just to make something to eat? Preparing the food, making the food, cleaning it up; by the time you're done, you'll probably faint because of the hunger. But luckily, there is a resolution to this problem. When hungry, making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is the best option for you. Not only is it fast to make, but with just one bite, you're mouth will burst with the exquisite taste. The materials you will need to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich are two pieces of a loaf of bread, a jar of peanut butter, a jar of jelly, a knife, and of course, a person to eat the sandwich.

First, take a knife and dip it into the peanut butter jar. Take it out and spread the peanut butter onto one side of one of the piece of bread. Make sure to spread it evenly and that it covers the bread's side surface Next, take the same knife and using the clean side, dip it into the jelly jar. Take it out and spread it evenly on the second piece of bread. Only spread it on one side of the bread. Make sure the jam completely covers the bread's side surface. Lastly, take the two bread pieces and put them together. Make sure you are putting together the sides of the bread that is covered with either peanut butter or jelly.
As you can see, making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich takes little time and is very easy to make. It is resolution to making food without a long amount of time. I hope you enjoy your delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich!

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