Good study habits are crucial and it is an important thing throughout our life. Having a good grade isn't an easy thing to do, it takes hard work, but good study habits do help make it a lot easier. Many people believe that their education will stop either after high school or college but that is not true. You will continue to learn and need your education knowledge in your career lives, with your jobs. It is important that we develop our good study habits now when we're young, or else it's going to be hard later in life.
Four steps of good study habits are positive attitude, a partnership, good study place, and an efficient study schedule. Positive attitude: You should always have a positive attitude because your emotions will affect on your work. Partnership: When you don't understand something, you should ask for some help. Good study place: You need a quiet and comfortable (but not to comfortable) place where you can concentrate on your work and not be distracted. Efficient study schedule: To keep from getting stress out, missing assignments, or failing work, you should always have good time management with your work.

I think it is very interesting how these little things can help so much with our work. Although I know sometime it is hard to stay on task because maybe something else popped up, but always remember that these habits will soon develop after a month. So please don't beat yourself up if for one day, you were off track!